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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nothing beats a photo taking walk on a sunny fall day....

Happy Sunday my blog followers!!!  Welcome to another Sunny post...

I've been a little under the weather lately.  I haven't been this sick in about a year or more, so I was due for a cold.  You know the kind...one nostril stuffed at a time, scratchy throat, achey, tired.  Yup...I was due.  So I haven't been to the gym during this sickly time.  I figured I'd save my cold cooties for just myself.  I'm nice like that.  This morning I woke up feeling great, so I thought I'd get to the gym.  I really planned on going...well, that is until I stepped outside my front door.  Once that sun hit my face, I knew I was changing my plans.  I went back inside, layered on some warmth, grabbed my camera, waved good bye to the kitty & out for a photo talking walk.

Allow me to explain...

Last September I started this lifestyle change.  I hate using the word diet...instead I call it a lifestyle change...hey, work w/me here.  As part of my lifestyle change, I would walk.  To make myself walk more I started taking my lovely camera w/me.  I would stop & take a photo & before I knew it, I was walking about five miles.  Little by little my walks would take me on longer distances to find better photo taking opportunities.  Helpful tip: if you're looking to make a lifestyle change, grab a camera & try it.  You'll see I'm right!  :)

Here is a sampling of todays photo taking walk...

I loved the funky patterns on the leaves, plus the colors scream FALL...my favorite season.

And as I came around a corner, I spotted these two red balloons stuck in a tree...

And then one of me walking through some leaves...

During my walk I had time to think about this blog journey.  It got me excited.  Just realizing I am asking people to tell me 40 things to do is a bit scary, but exciting.  I'm wishing it was May already so I can start doing these things! 

Hey...I'm a dork...deal w/it!

So we are now at 12 followers & 4 ideas.  Woohoo!!  I hope to hit my goal soon.  I would even love to get more than 40 ideas...just to get some debates going on which 40 I do.

Happy blogging peeps!!


  1. I thought maybe you could go to disney land and do at least one third of all the rides??

  2. Hmm...that I would love to do! Doubt I'll have the money...but I can try to work it out. I'll add it to the list of 'need to save up for' ideas.
